Ujung Bukit Village in Bintong, Perlis is a peaceful village, where life takes a decidedly leisurely pace as compared to what most people experience in the city. Planting paddy is the main source of income for the friendly villagers.
The village is located close to Kangar, the capital of Perlis, separated only by a series of hills that nonetheless adequately preserves the calm atmosphere of Ujung Bukit. It is the first village in Perlis to obtain approval from the Ministry of Tourism for the Homestay programme.
Among the activities that visitors can try at the homestay are: traditional kite-flying, planting paddy, fishing and caving. There are also cultural performances such as nasyid singing and the traditional Malay wedding ceremony, as well as craft and cooking demonstrations.
other choice of lodging- in the form of guesthouse do visit http://homestayperlis.blogspot.com